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Item # Description 1-15 15-50 50-100 100+ Quantity Total
Vaccinate – 25¢
$6.16 $5.63 $5.53 $5.42

Product Specs

Type: Bantams
Origin: English
Purpose: Ornamental
Availability: Feb - End of Oct
Comb Type: Single
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: PeeWee
Rate of Lay: 150/Year
Broodiness: Yes
Temperament: Docile
Leg Style: Feather
Mature Male Weight: 30 oz
Mature Female Weight: 26 oz


Next Available Date

  • 12
  • Mar
  • 2025

Frizzles are named after the nature of their feathers that curve outward and forward, giving the appearance of having been dried with a blow dryer. Most of the early frizzled fowls were found in southeastern Asia, the East Indies and Africa, with descriptions of frizzled fowls going back to the 1600's. Red Frizzle Cochin bantam chicks are primarily red with white on the wing tips, chest, abdomen and face. They have single combs and feathered legs and feet. All the adult plumage is red, with each of the feathers having backward curl. Because the frizzle gene does not breed true, generally one fourth of your chicks will not show the frizzle characteristic. The frizzle characteristic does not show until the chicks begin to mature.

Because the frizzle gene does not breed true, generally one fourth of your chicks will not show the frizzle characteristic. The frizzle characteristic does not show until the chicks begin to mature

Our bantams are purebred and represent the breed and variety; however, we do not guarantee or represent that they are of show quality.