Product Specs
Type: | Standard Chicks |
Origin: | American |
Purpose: | Dual |
Availability: | Feb - End of Oct |
Comb Type: | Rose |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Large |
Rate of Lay: | 220/Year |
Broodiness: | Yes |
Temperament: | Docile |
Leg Style: | Clean |
Heat Tolerance: | Not Especially |
Cold Tolerance: | Hardy |
Mature Male Weight: | 8.5 lbs |
Mature Female Weight: | 6.5 lbs |
No Available Date Found

The true origin of the Wyandotte is unknown, however, Dark Brahmas and Spangled Hamburgs were probably used in the development of the original Silver Laced variety. Blue Laced Red Wyandotte chicks are primarily brown, with some light blue to black on their backs and heads. They have a rose comb with yellow and brown, clean legs and feet. Adults have a primarily red plumage with blue lacing around the edges of each feather.