Product Specs
Type: | Standard Chicks |
Origin: | American |
Purpose: | Dual |
Availability: | Year Round |
Comb Type: | Single |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Extra Large |
Rate of Lay: | 240/Year |
Broodiness: | Yes |
Temperament: | Docile |
Leg Style: | Clean |
Heat Tolerance: | Tolerates Well |
Mature Male Weight: | 9.5 lbs |
Mature Female Weight: | 7.5 lbs |
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Assorted Plymouth Rocks are the hatchery's choice of Standard Barred, Buff, Partridge and White Plymouth Rocks that have not been sold. Every effort will be made to include a good variety, but Ideal Poultry does not make this guarantee.