Product Specs
Type: | Standard Chicks |
Origin: | English |
Purpose: | Meat |
Availability: | First of Feb - End of May |
Comb Type: | Flat Pea |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Small |
Rate of Lay: | 150/Year |
Broodiness: | Yes |
Temperament: | Not Docile |
Leg Style: | Clean |
Heat Tolerance: | Not Especially |
Cold Tolerance: | Hardy |
Mature Male Weight: | 10 lbs |
Mature Female Weight: | 7.5 lbs |
No Available Date Found

Cornish originated in Cornwall, England from Red Aseels, Black Breasted Red Old English and Malays. They were developed for wide body confirmation and high volume of breast meat. Dark Cornish chicks are varying shades of brown with two light streaks down the back. They have pea combs and clean, yellow legs and feet. The primary plumage color of adult males is greenish black, with some feathers having red centers. The adult females have a redder plumage pattern than the males with many of the feathers being red mahogany with narrow, greenish black lacing. While Cornish are a slow growing breed and can produce large amount of breast meat, they should not be expected to grow at the same rate as Cornish crosses.