Product Specs
Type: | Geese |
Purpose: | Meat |
Availability: | First of Feb - End of Jun |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Large |
Rate of Lay: | 45-55/Year |
Temperament: | Docile |
Mothering: | Poor |
Hardiness: | Very Hardy |
Weeding: | Excellent |
Mature Male Weight: | 12 lbs |
Mature Female Weight: | 10 lbs |
Next Available Date
- 02
- Apr
- 2025

Hatchery Choice Geese is an assortment of all breeds of geese that Ideal hatches which have not been sold as specific breeds of geese. Geese are hardy, easy to raise and seem to be resistant of all poultry diseases, parasites and cold or wet weather. They are excellent foragers, weeders and lawn mowers and can live on grass, water and grit; although, for top growth and egg production, commercial, high protein feed should be provided. Geese are useful in controlling the growth of grass on banks of ponds and streams and various underwater plants. They are extremely alert and honk loudly at the appearance of strangers. When geese are present on the farm, they are a deterrent to snakes.
Geese are available from February through June.