Product Specs
Type: | Standard Chicks |
Origin: | Continental |
Purpose: | Dual |
Availability: | Feb - June |
Comb Type: | Single |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Medium |
Rate of Lay: | 240/Year |
Broodiness: | Yes |
Temperament: | Docile |
Leg Style: | Feather |
Heat Tolerance: | Not Especially |
Cold Tolerance: | Hardy |
Mature Male Weight: | 8 lbs |
Mature Female Weight: | 6.5 lbs |
No Available Date Found

Faverolles originated in northern France in the village of Faverolle from Houdans, Dorkings and Asiatic breeds. Salmon Faverolle are light yellow or cream-colored beards and muffs. They have single combs and feathers on their five toed feet and legs. Adult males have black beard, muff, front of neck, breast, body, main tail, lower thigh, leg and toe plumage. The sickles, lesser sickles and coverts of the tail are greenish black while the head, hackle and saddle feathers are straw colored. The wing fronts are black, wing bows straw colored tinged with reddish brown, and the wing feathers are black edged with white. Adult females have creamy white beards, muffs, front of neck, breast, body, leg and toe plumage. The head, back, main tail, tail coverts, wing fronts, bows and coverts are salmon-brown.