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Item # Description 1-15 15-50 50-100 100+ Quantity Total
$5.02 $4.39 $4.28 $4.18

Product Specs

Type: Standard Chicks
Origin: Continental
Purpose: Meat
Availability: Jan - Sept
Comb Type: Single
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Extra Large
Rate of Lay: 100/Year
Broodiness: No
Temperament: Docile
Leg Style: Clean
Heat Tolerance: Tolerates Well
Cold Tolerance: Hardy
Mature Male Weight: 10.5 lbs
Mature Female Weight: 8.5 lbs


Next Available Date

  • 09
  • Jul
  • 2025

Red Broilers were developed by introducing the red gene to a typical Cornish Rock Cross. Because both red and white plumage genes are recessive, the first generation of the cross produced offspring with some red, but predominantly white. As the following generations of this cross continued, the offspring became redder until only red offspring were produced. Red Broiler chicks are various shades of red. They have single combs and clean, yellow legs and feet. Adults have primarily red plumage and are characterized by their large legs and feet and deep bodies. Although they grow rapidly, they can't be expected to grow as quickly or as large as a typical Cornish Rock.